Contact n-Tier today to get started with your free CAT and CAIS Assessments

Contact n-Tier today to get started with your free CAT and CAIS Assessments

Contact n-Tier today to get started with your free CAT and CAIS Assessments

Get Started with a Complimentary CAT Assessment

Named Best Reporting Solution for CAT, 2021 & 2022

CAT Exams are coming - is your firm ready?

In recent months, we’ve seen many occasions in which the regulators are forcing firms to correct and resubmit historical records to FINRA CAT to resolve reporting issues, and not just compelling them to fix the errors on a go-forward basis.

Using our proprietary CAT Profiler Tool – and just a week’s worth of your CAT data – n-Tier will provide a comprehensive overview of your current CAT data and reporting. We’ve helped firms identify CAT reporting errors that are not covered by FINRA CAT feedback or captured in the Compliance Error Rate.

Fill out the form to contact us today for a complimentary one-time CAT or CAIS assessment using our reporting analysis tools, and to learn more about how our clients leverage these tools alongside our full suite of CAT and CAIS controls.

n-Tier’s CAT Profiler

n-Tier’s CAT Profiler deconstructs and summarizes the contents of a firm’s CAT reports (JSON and CSV) to supplement ongoing supervisory, reconciliation, and validation processes, as well as to support ad-hoc UAT testing, reporting comparisons, and other targeted reviews.

Across all CAT records, the Profiler provides a summary of how fields are populated per IMID (or SubmitterID) and Event Type, along with other n-Tier defined data profiles and buckets. When run daily, the Profiler output is compared against a rolling 20-day average to monitor for any material changes or deviations in the firms CAT reporting profile.

  • For handling instructions, the Profiler provides a count and percentage of the handling instruction values (and unique value sets/combinations) within Order Events.
  • For timestamp fields, the CAT tool provides a count and percentage of Order Events within / outside 9:30am – 4pm, plus a breakdown per hour (e.g., to check for GMT vs ET), as well as a count and percentage of timestamp values with all zeros in the milliseconds (e.g., to see if reporting to millisecond precision).
  • For accountType and customerType, the CAIS tool provides a count and percentage of the accountType and customerType values (and unique value sets / combinations) within FDID records, which can then be compared against the CAT tool’s accountHolderType output.

Experience Our Solutions

Find out how to leverage a configurable solution for monitoring and managing data completeness and accuracy, across critical business processes.

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Some text about what to expect for follow-up communications re: the demo

Some text about what to expect for follow-up communications re: the demo